Health Information by Dr Tan And Partners (Singapore)

Dr. Tan & Partners was established in 2005 with a vision to provide quality medical services with competency and care to our community - Health Information on Men's Health, Women's Health, Public Health and Sexual Health (HIV/STD)

Are pesticides killing your sperm?

It is an established fact that men who are exposed to pesticides in their work or in the environment they live in have a higher risk of sub-fertility. But what about the pesticides found on the fruits we eat?

A recent study on 155 men detailed exactly how much and what kind of fruits and vegetables they ate. This data was then compared to the US Department of Agriculture's data on how much pesticide residue is found on particular produce. For example  peppers, spinach, strawberries, apples, and pears tend to have high levels of pesticide residue, whereas peas, beans, grapefruit, and onions have low-to-moderate levels.


It was found that the men who ate at least 1.5 servings of high-pesticide produce per day had about half as many sperm in their semen, and two-thirds as many normal-appearing sperm, as men who ate less than half a serving of high-pesticide produce per day.


Although this does not necessarily mean these men are less fertile, it would be logical to assume there is some impact on their fertility.


Also logically, this should not be surprising as pesticides are designed to harm pests reproduction so it should have sort of impact or effect on human reproduction also.


This study did not specify or differentiate which kinds of pesticides are worse.


So if you are struggling with fertility, one thing you may want to do is to switch to organic fruits and vegetables. Or at least choose fruits and vegetables that are known to have less pesticide residue.

